Launch of the “Climate and Environmental Change» UNIMED subnetwork
The Climate and Environmental Change subnetwork, promoted by the MEHmed project, is now officially active and has defined a set of first steps together with its members to approach the climate and environmental change that is affecting the Mediterranean region.
The University of Girona, represented by Dr. Josep Vila, together with the Abdelmalek Essaadi University (Morocco), represented by Dr Adil Salhi, coordinate the “Climate and Environmental Change” UNIMED subnetwork. Therefore, it is coordinated by two universities of MEHmed Consortium and almost all the members are also partners of the Subnetwork.
On the 3rd of February members of the subnetwork gathered in an opening webinar to discuss the workplan and first activities of the subnetwork. This event included a keynote speech by Dr. Wolfgang Cramer who presented Mediterranean Assessment Report “Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin; Current Situation and Risks for the Future” and had the support and participation of the Union for the Mediterranean.

The subnetwork “Climate and environmental change” currently counts 34 members Universities from 14 countries of both shores of the Mediterranean. The subnetwork aims to connect the main actors involved in the topic, promote synergies, knowledge-exchange and partnerships among the involved Universities, support policy dialogue and strengthen consultation in the Mediterranean. At the same time, it aims to engage universities with research centers, public administrations, private companies and NGO’s working in this field to develop and share initiatives and projects.
The workplan will include, as first steps:
- Consolidation of collaboration with strategic stakeholders (i.e. Medecc, Union for the Mediterreanean).
- Identification of areas of expertise within the membership.
- Identification of funding opportunities and elaboration of project proposals.
- Mapping of key stakeholders and survey on the provision of climate and environmental change curricula in the Mediterranean Universities.
For more information, visit the UNIMED website or write to Eugenio Platania (