MEHMED Erasmus+
The Faculty of Science, through its Department of Chemistry, and under the tutelage of the University of Monastir (UM), is engaged in an Erasmus +project, MEHMED, (click here) coordinated by the University of Girona in Spain. This project aims to launch an international master’s degree in environmental change resulting from climate change. The project brings together (see table below), three European universities, two Tunisian universities, three Algerian universities and three Moroccan universities in addition to three support structures (WUSMED, ANPR and IMT).

The Erasmus MEHMED project (No. 598826-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), of which the University of Monastir is a partner through the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science of Monastir, is a project whose main goal is the launch of an international master’s degree in eight universities on the southern shore of the Mediterranean basin (two Tunisian universities, three Moroccan and three Algerian universities). The Master’s degree is intended for university graduates who wish to specialize in the professional analysis and management of environmental issues, in the private sector or in public institutions and non-governmental organizations.
The master’s programme will focus on environmental issues specific to the Mediterranean basin, which are widely common to all countries and partners participating in the MEHMED project. It is important to note that the Mediterranean region is considered one of the regions most affected by the effects of global environmental change, which has a particularly significant impact in this region because of its socio-environmental characteristics.
The general and specific objectives of the MEHMED project:
Train professionals to design and implement a sustainable and particularly effective model for dealing with socio-economic and socio-environmental problems.
Train different scientific approaches to the study of environmental change.
Apply them to managing specific environmental changes at the local and regional levels.
Identify adaptation processes and sustainable management instruments based on the evaluation of adaptation strategies.
Acquire the basic knowledge to analyse, diagnose and manage global environmental changes.
Acquire the basic knowledge to manage the reduction of impacts on society and the environment and facilitate social and environmental adaptations.
Acquire the expertise, skills and tools needed to solve the problems mentioned above.
Support Committees:
The assembly, implementation and implementation of the MEHMED project at the Monastir University level is carried out by several committees formed under the responsibility of the university’s president, Prof. Hédi Bel Haj Salah, legal representative. The local steering committee of the project Chaired by Prof. Hatem Dhaouadi, includes Prof. Hatem Majdoub, Director of the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science of Monastir specializing in natural substances and Prof. Sonia Dridi-Dhaouadi, Senior Lecturer at the Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies in Monastir and specialist in Environmental Chemistry.
The Steering Committee is supported in its work by an Academic Council which includes:
– Ms Rym Charradi, Engineer by training, Director of the CRT/LAX and board member of the University of Monastir,
– Mr Seifeddine Kacem, Chairman and CEO of AGRI LAND, national leader in green extraction with CO2 SC,
– Walid Fkih, Engineer at ONAS – Head of Division and under expert contract with our institution (ONAS is an associate partner in this project),
– Sabria Barka, PhD in Biological Sciences, Research Teacher at ISBM and member of the Executive Board of the Eco-Conscience Environmental Association,
– Ms Abir Brahem, Director at um and head of the employability observatory.
– Mrs Héla Machat, PhD student «Sol, Water – Environment» at ISA Chott-Mariem
The Steering Committee is also supported in its work by a Quality Committee, chaired by Prof. Sonia Dridi-Dhaouadi and which includes, in addition to the two members of the Academic Council, Dr. Sabria Barka and Mrs. Héla Machat, Mr. Zied Ben Romdhane, Quality Manager at the University of Monastir.
The following link (click here) allows you to get an idea of the different components of the project, which are worth remembering, aims to launch an international master’s degree on environmental changes (resulting from climate change) in eight of the universities on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, like the one currently underway at the University of Girona, Spain (see details here)
The project’s web page can be found here.
No.1 in the news letter (click here)
Monastir – AC, October 27, 2020: The Academic Council met remotely On Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. to discuss the details of the planning and procedures for selecting, enrolling and starting courses for the MEHmed Masters – FSM «Management of Mediterranean Environmental Change» . The present unanimously approved the proposal of the local coordinator of the project and agreed to publish it on the website of the Faculty of Sciences of Monastir. The presenters also propose to wait for the official accreditation of the master’s program proposed by the Council of Universities, scheduled for Friday, October 30, 2020, to trigger the selection process through the dedicated platform on the faculty’s website.

Tunis – DGRU, 07 October 2020: The National Sectoral Committee on Chemistry, chaired by Prof. Béchier Hamrouni, has granted its approval to our Erasmus master’s proposal «Management of Mediterranean Environmental Changes» pending official authorisation by the next University Council on Friday 30 October 2020. You can view the proposed study plan by clicking here

Paris – Sorbonne, 05 – 06 February 2020: MEHMED project steering committee meeting.

Monastir – WSF, Thursday, January 30, 2020: Academic Council meeting for the validation of the study plan (PV).

Monastir – WSF, Monday 27 January 2020: Meeting of the local steering committee to finalize the proposal for the study plan to be submitted to the Academic Council. (PV)

Monastir – UM, Monday 24 January 2020: «Preventive Monitoring» meeting with the first officials of the Erasmus Tunisia Office.

Monastir – WSF, Monday, December 12, 2019: Local Steering Committee meeting to develop the Master’s program environmental changes in light of the CA (PV) recommendations.

Monastir – WSF, Monday, November 29, 2019: First meeting of the Academic Council for the discussion of the Master’s Program of Environmental Changes (PV).

Sousse, 08 – 10 October 2019: Meeting of all MEHMED project partners at the University of Sousse (see summary of activities)

Kickoff meeting: The first event of this project and which brought together all the partners of the project was the launch meeting (click here to see the program). The meeting was held at the University of Girona in Spain on 28 February and 1 March 2019. During this meeting were mainly reviewed and discussed the various WPs. This launch meeting was completed by a visit to the Girona Technology Park. The detailed PV of the meeting can be viewed (click here).