University of Sousse

University of Sousse


The University of Sousse is a public academic organization that offers degree programs, masters, doctorates in four families of disciplines namely humanities, social sciences, engineering and technology and health sciences. Its human resources, as well as its international network allow it to offer unique academic training and enriching intellectual experience while ensuring high-level opportunities for its students around the world. The high success rate of Sousse University students who have moved to international universities can be considered a good indicator of the quality of teaching. The opening of the University on its socio-economic environment has taken its first steps in a context often not too convinced of the role that the University can play as one of the major players in the socio-economic development of the country and regions . The pioneering experiences of the Career Center and Skills Certification (4C) as well as the Technological Transfer Office (BUTT) will develop the spirit of success, capacity development, student-business rapprochement, promotion of employability and entrepreneurial development.