TeRRIFICA SUMMER SCHOOL Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin
MEHmed is involved in the Summer School: Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin: evidences, discussions and citizen contributions
28th – 30th June 2021
Online, Free registration
This Summer School is organized by the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP)/Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi), Universitat de Girona (UdG), Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), and the Mediterranean Environmental Change Management Master Study and Ecosystems (MEHmed) within the framework of TeRRIFICA project.
This Summer School aims to develop ideas for a positive future vision of the climate landscape in the Mediterranean basin for 2030.
Around 30 participants are expected to attend the Summer School, preferably young researchers and climate activists but also experts, mentors and facilitators with experience on co-creation processes with young generation.
In order to facilitate the participation of attendees from different areas of the Mediterranean basin, all sessions will be held in English. Other languages could be used in the break-out sessions, depending on the profile of the participants.

Registration is already open. Applications must be submitted using this online form: https://www.udg.edu/ca/instituts/ima/seminari-isse/inscripcions.
See all the details of the Summer School HERE