Webinar «Anthropogenic pressures threatening Mediterranean marine ecosystems»
17th June (10-14h CEST)
The University of Girona, under the coordination of Dr. Margarida Casadevall, has organized a webinar for students and teachers of the MEHmed master’s.
The webinar focuses on what are the main anthropogenic pressures that threaten marine fauna, the biomonitoring of metals via the use of the Posidonia oceanica item as an indicator species, an immersive dive within the STARECAPMED workshop site (10 years of research and results for management) and the impact of fishing on vulnerable species – the case of sharks and rays.
Click here to attend the webinar: https://meet.google.com/wds-nhiw-bmw
MARGARIDA CASADEVALL – Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Girona
She has participated in several research projects related to the study of marine fish biology, reproductive strategy, diet or health, and the analysis of factors that affect the condition and reproduction, such as than fishing, climate change, contaminants or pests.
JONATHAN RICHIR – National Museum of Natural History, Paris, Concarneau Marine Station
He studies the impacts of human activities and environmental changes on the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems, and develop tools for monitoring their state of health. His research combines field studies, eco-physiology, analytical chemistry and data science.
MICHEL MARENGO – Oceanographic and Underwater Research Station
His research aims to improve the state of knowledge of key species in marine ecosystems. This work is part of a current issue of assessing the impact of human activities on emblematic species of significant economic interest, in a context of climate change.
JOSEP LLORET- Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Girona
His research focuses on the impact of artisanal and recreational fishing on vulnerable species in marine protected areas, the effects of climate change, fish health and their importance for fisheries productivity, and the complex relationships that develop. between the oceans and the well-being of populations.
Sebastian BITON-PORSMOGUER – French Biodiversity Office (OFB), Manch North Sea Maritime Delegation.
He deals with the management issues of Natura 2000 marine protected areas in terms of professional fishing, aquaculture and fishing and recreation. His current research focuses on fisheries management and their impact on marine ecosystems, small and large pelagic ecology, elasmobranch ecology and fisheries.